Organization, Downsizing, Decor/Room Rearranging, Decluttering, Cleaning Out and Space and Efficiency Planning for Any Room/Area, Collections, Garage and Storage Units, Unpacking/Room Setup, Office Process Development, Paper Management, Filing Systems (including electronic), Garage Sale Setup, Event Setup Assistance, Budget Organization, Time Management, Texas Moving Assistance

Organizing sessions may include clearing & light cleaning; sorting and organizing (keeping, tossing, and donating); contractor coordination assistance; assembling organizational items; hanging small to medium-weight wall décor; and donation transportation of one carload per session.


I take great care to limit the feeling of being overwhelmed during the project. My client-friendly method employs a “little by little” approach, focusing on smaller groups of items at a time. The process is as follows:

  1. Discuss with the client the details of the project and their unique vision and goals.
  2. Determine if additional items and services are needed and the budget for those items. In some cases that may not be apparent until we progress through the project. This can depend on how many items will be discarded or retained in the space, which cannot always be determined ahead of time. I can shop for those items or suggest items to be obtained by the client at a later time.
  3. Determine an estimated cost and timeframe.
  4. Determine payment method.
  5. Set a date for the project.
  6. Proceed to Ace Your Space!
  7. Follow up by sending tips and tricks to the client for ongoing organizational success!

Would you like a complimentary phone consultation? Click here to fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch soon!